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A modern distributed automation system must meet a wide variety of requirements. In the table 1 a first overview.


This network is used to coordinate the individual production cells and control production and record operating data.


This network is used for commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance of an installation via a data connection (remote).


This network is used to control and coordinate the functions and tasks between the individual controllers in a production cell.

Functional safety

With this network, all measures for the protection of persons and resources are coordinated and ensured.


This network is used to synchronize movements and other time-critical tasks.


Individual sensors and actuators are provided with the appropriate protection if required and addressed with field buses such as PROFIBUS.

Table 1: Various requirements in automation

In many practical applications, special networks are used for these different requirements (see Figure 2).

Unterschiedliche Netzwerke

Figure 2: Different networks for the coordination of functions 

These various networks have often grown historically and were certainly an optimal solution at the time of their commissioning. During operation, such structures as shown in the picture 3 cause inflexible and expensive to maintain automation structure.

Figure 3: Practical example

Figure 3: Practical example

The goal now is to combine all these different systems into a single, functionally comprehensive network. PROFINET is such a system:

Ein Netzwerk für alle Anforderungen

Figure 4: One network for all requirements

In practical realization, however, different segments of this common technology still have different properties, adapted to the necessary requirements. As shown in Figure 5, all this can be combined.

Figure 5: PROFINET IO meets all requirements

Figure 5: PROFINET IO meets all requirements